Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year...

If It didn't Bring you Joy,
Just Leave it Behind.

Let's Ring in the New Year
With Good Things in Mind.

Let Every Bad Memory Go
That Brought Heartache and Pain.

And let's Turn a New Leaf
With the Smell of New Rain.

Let's Forget Past Mistakes
Making Amends for This Year.

Sending You These Greetings
To Bring You Hope and Cheer.

Happy New Year! all :-)

Pic of the Day - Good Bye year 2011...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Milestone 2500 visitors

Today my blog has been visited by 2500th visitor (excluding me of course)

सुना है तुम शायर हो..........

जेलर: सुना है तुम शायर हो......कुछ सुनाओ?
कैदी: गम-ए-उल्फत में जो ज़िन्दगी कटी है हमारी.जिस दिन जमानत हुई उस दिन ज़िन्दगी ख़त्म तुम्हारी।

Pic of the Day - A king with two eyes, crown, beard and neck bracelet

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Door se dekha,
Kisi ke sath ja raha tha vo.
Awaaz aa rahi thi jaise,
Gunguna raha tha vo.
Masti me chalta aise,
Itraa raha tha vo.
Nazdeek pahunche to,
Tasweer hi badal gayi.
Na chahte huye bhee,
Aankhe machal gayi.
Akela hi tha vo us din,
Ladkhada raha tha vo.
Vo ro raha tha us din,
Ghabra raha tha vo.
Dooor se na pahchaana,
Vo kaun shakhs tha,
Kohra ghana tha us din,
Vo hamara hi aks tha.

अभी शादी का पहला ही साल था......

अभी शादी का पहला ही साल था,

ख़ुशी के मारे मेरा बुरा हाल था,
खुशियां कुछ यूं उमड़ रहीं थी,
की संभाले नही संभल रही थी..
सुबह सुबह मैडम का चाय ले कर आना
थोडा शरमाते हुए हमें नींद से जगाना,
वो प्यार भरा हाथ हमारे बालों में फेरना,
मुस्कुराते हुए कहना की…
डार्लिंग चाय तो पी लो,
जल्दी से रेडी हो जाओ,
आप को ऑफिस भी है जाना…
घरवाली भगवान का रुप ले कर आई थी,
दिल और दिमाग पर पूरी तरह छाई थी,
सांस भी लेते थे तो नाम उसी का होता था,
इक पल भी दूर जीना दुश्वार होता था…

5 साल बाद…….

सुबह सुबह मैडम का चाय ले कर आना,

टेबल पर रख कर जोर से चिल्लाना,
आज ऑफिस जाओ तो मुन्ना को
स्कूल छोड़ते हुए जाना…
सुनो एक बार फिर वोही आवाज आयी,
क्या बात है अभी तक छोड़ी नही चारपाई,
अगर मुन्ना लेट हो गया तो देख लेना,
मुन्ना की टीचर्स को फिर खुद ही संभाल लेना…

ना जाने घरवाली कैसा रुप ले कर आई थी,
दिल और दिमाग पर काली घटा छाई थी,
सांस भी लेते हैं तो उन्ही का ख़्याल होता है,
अब हर समय मन में एक ही सवाल होता है…
क्या कभी वो दिन लौट के आएंगे,
हम एक बार फिर कुंवारे हो जायेंगे !

Pic of the Day - Interesting Bed...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Genius संता ने Bill Gates को लिखा letter

1 Genius संता ने Bill Gates को letter लिखा .

सर ,

मुझे कुछ सवाल पूछने हैं:

1.keyboard के letters सही जगह नहीं हैं ,keyboard का सही version कब आएगा ? में start का button है , stop का क्यों नहीं ?

3.हम Ms-word use करते हैं ,Mr-word कब release होगा ?

4.keyboard में Any key का button नहीं है , तो कंप्यूटर क्यों मांगता है ?

आखिर में एक ज़टिल सवाल

5.आप का नाम Gates है तो आप windows क्यों बनाते हैं ..?

Pic of the Day - Behind Clouds, SATAN Hides...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why do I get such a small salary...

A mechanic was removing the engine parts from a motorcycle.

When he saw famous heart surgeon in his shop, he called the surgeon and said, "Look at this engine. I opened its heart, took the valves out, repaired and put them back." So why do I get such a small salary and you get such a huge sum?

The doctor smiled at the mechanic and came close to his ear and said, "Try the same when the engine is running.

You've got a broken heart...

You've got a broken heart, not a broken life...

You've got a broken dream, not a broken future.....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

" I " talks to " me "

From the mirror, the 'I' said, Stay there and get beautiful eyes
And 'Me' replied, no thank you I'd rather have eyes that can 'see' beauty

The 'I' said, your hands look bad Want some hand cream, make them pretty
And 'Me' replied, no thank you I'd rather create pretty things with these hands

Exasperated, 'I' said, your skin Could do with some touch up to make you glow
And 'Me' replied, no thank you I'd rather let a smile make my face glow

The 'I' tried yet again, take this perfume Spray it and look like you're fresh off the garden
And 'Me' replied, no thank you I'd rather walk in the garden to smell like I've been there

At the edge of its patience, the 'I' said Here is kohl, mascara, eye liner, define your eyes
And 'Me' replied, no thank you I'll let my naughty twinkle define my eyes

'I' attempted once more, look at your lips. They lack colour, here, take the lipstick
And 'Me' replied, no thank you I'd rather that a genuine smile adorns my lips

A last ditch try, the 'I' said If you're pretty and lady like, he will pay you compliments
And 'Me' replied, no thank you He already sees me for who I am, not how I look

And then, my eyes opened, Clarity flooded, sunlight streaming in What a dream, oh what a realization Prettiness gave in to beauty, let my day begin 
With valuing me, for who I am And what I can do with what I have Brightening my inner glow, shining With radiance of my inner beauty.......

2012 A.D. - Countdown begins...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Life is like making tea...

Life is like making tea, boil your ego,
Evaporate your worries, dilute your sorrows,
Filter your mistakes & get taste of happiness.

Ice is cold but friendship is ...

Ice is cold which cannot Be hold;
Friendship is Gold which cannot Be Sold !!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

PENCILS are made with Erasers to...

PENCILS are made with Erasers to give you second chance...

But the real logic is that,

Eraser on the pencil was made small for us to remember that chances are limited... !!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mathematics may not teach us...

Mathematics may not teach us
How to ADD Love or MINUS Hate.
But it gives us every reason to hope that "Every problem has a Solution"

Our eyes are at the front,because...

Our eyes are at the front, because it's better to see where you're going rather than where you've been

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

An apple a day keeps the doctor away... ;-)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away,

But if the doctor's cute then forget the fruit !!!  ;-)

Two people can damage a society:

The one who knows and doesn't talk
The one who doesn't know and talks...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The beauty of Indian Traffic....

The Beauty Of Indian Traffic Is That
One Has To Look On Both Sides,
While Crossing A ONE WAY Road...!!!!   ;-)

Life will teach you the lessons...

Life will teach you the lessons. It is up to you to learn them

Monday, December 19, 2011





Jaldbazi me Shadi karke sara jivan bigaad loge... ;-)

Jaldbazi me Shadi karke sara jivan bigaad loge,

Jaldbazi me Shadi karke sara jivan bigaad loge,

Soch samaj Ke karoge to bhi kya ukhaad loge !!!  ;-)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

May God bless you with...

May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, superficial relationships, so that you will live deep within your heart...
May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people so that you will work for justice, equality and peace...

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that you will reach out your hand to comfort  them and change their pain into joy...
And may God bless you with the foolishness to think that you can make a difference in the world, so that you will do the things which others tell you cannot be done.....

Read this small story; Hope that makes a BIG change in YOU

The Professor began his class by holding  up a glass with some water in it. He  held it up for all to see & asked the students "How much do you think this glass weighs?"  

'50gms!'... ..  '100gms!' .... .'125gms' ...the students answered. 

"I really don't know unless I weigh it," said the professor, "but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like  this for a few minutes?" 

'Nothing' …..the students said. 

'Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?' the professor asked.

'Your arm would begin to ache' said one of the student 

"You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?" 

"Your arm could go numb; you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis & have to go to hospital for sure!" ….. Ventured another student & all the students laughed 

"Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?" Asked the professor. 

'No'…. Was the answer. 

"Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?"

The students were puzzled. 

"What should I do now to come out of pain?" asked professor again. 

"Put the glass down!" said one of the students 

"Exactly!" said the professor. Life's problems are something like this. Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK. Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache. Hold it even longer & they begin to  paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything. It's important to think of the challenges or problems in your life, But EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to 'PUT THEM DOWN' at the end of every day before you go to sleep... That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh &strong & can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!

So, when you start your day today, Remember friend to 'PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY!!! '

Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to judge a girl ;-)

You shouldn't judge a girl by her profile picture (on fb),
You should judge her by the photos she is tagged in... ;-)

Corporate World ... ;-)

One day while walking down the street a highly successful Human Resources Manager was tragically hit by a bus and she died. Her soul arrived up in heaven where she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself.
"Welcome to Heaven," said St. Peter. "Before you get settled in though, it seems we have a problem. You see, strangely enough, we've never once had a Human Resources Manager make it this far and we're not really sure what to do with you."

"No problem, just let me in," said the woman. "Well, I'd like to, but I have higher orders. What we're going to do is let you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can choose whichever one you want to spend an eternity in."

"Actually, I think I've made up my mind, I prefer to stay in Heaven", said the woman "Sorry, we have rules.. ." And with that St. Peter put the executive in an elevator and it went down-down-down to hell.

The doors opened and she found herself stepping out onto the putting green of a beautiful golf course. In the distance was a country club and standing in front of her were all her friends - fellow executives that she had worked with and they were well dressed in evening gowns and cheering for her. They ran up and kissed her on both cheeks and they talked about old times. They played an excellent round of golf and at night went to the country club where she enjoyed an excellent steak and lobster dinner. She met the Devil who was actually a really nice guy (kind of cute) and she had a great time telling jokes and dancing. She was having such a good time that before she knew it, it was time to leave.Everybody shook her hand and waved goodbye as she got on the elevator.

The elevator went up-up- up and opened back up at the Pearly Gates and found St. Peter waiting for her. "Now it's time to spend a day in heaven," he said. So she spent the next 24 hours lounging around on clouds and playing the harp and singing. She had great time and before she knew it her 24 hours were up and St. Peter came and got her.

"So, you've spent a day in hell and you've spent a day in heaven. Now you must choose your eternity," The woman paused for a second and then replied, "Well, I never thought I'd say this, I mean, Heaven has been really great and all, but I think I had a better time in Hell." So St. Peter escorted her to the elevator and again she went down-down-down back to Hell.

When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and *****. She saw her friends were dressed in rags and were picking up the garbage and putting it in sacks.
The Devil came up to her and put his arm around her. "I don't understand," stammered the woman, "yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great time. Now all there is a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look miserable." The Devil looked at her smiled and told...
"Yesterday we were recruiting you, today you're an Employee" ;-) :D

Friday, December 16, 2011

Quote - Who leaves the organization... ;-)

Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't.

मर्द वही होता है जिसको दर्द नही होता !!!

मर्द अगर औरत पर हाथ उठाए तो ज़ालिम, औरत से पिट जाए तो बुज़दिल,
औरत को किसी के साथ देख कर लड़े तो इर्शालू , अगर कुछ न कहे तो बेगैरत,
अगर घर से बाहर रहे तो आवारा, घर में रहे तो नाकारा,
बच्चो को डांटे तो ज़ालिम, ना डांटे तो लापरवा,
हाय मर्द बेचारा जिसके जीवन में सिर्फ दर्द ही दर्द है,
और उपर से कहते हैं की मर्द वही होता है जिसको दर्द नही होता।

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taking Risks in Life...

An Aeroplane Is Safe At Ground; But It's Not Made For That...
So Always Take Some Meaningful Risks In Life To Achieve Something In Life...

Quote of the Day - Confidence.....

Confidence comes not from always being right

But from not fearing to be wrong... 

फिल्मी अंदाज में स्कूली जीवन:

स्कूल: अपनी तो पाठशाला मस्ती की पाठशाला
ट्यूशन: इधर चला मैं उधर चला
मैथ्स: अजीब दास्तां है ये, कहां शुरू कहां खतम
साइंस: आ खुशी से खुदकुशी कर ले
भूगोल: मुसाफिर हूं मैं यारो
एग्जाम: जहरीली रातें नींद उड़ जाती है...
रिजल्ट: जीया धड़क-धड़क जाए...
पास: आज मैं ऊपर, आसमां नीचे...
फेल: जग सूना सूना लागे...  ;-)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is life's proven formula...

Whatever mistakes we have made,
Our only way out is to move forward;
This is life's proven formula,
Don't look back in regret but move on with hope...

Why have you not done your HOMEWORK ;-)

Teacher: Why have you not done your HOMEWORK?
Student: Because I stay in the HOSTEL ;-)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Traffic police chalan book nikaal ke bola... ;-)

Traffic police chalan book nikaal ke bola: 'Naam bol?'

Ladka: Galti ho gaya Sir...

Police: Naam Bol

Ladka: Sorry sir Iss baar jane do...dobara nahi hoga

Police: Naam bol

Ladka: "Trikulavattyy Thekkeparambli Venkateshwara Swami"

Police (book band karke): "Agli baar gaadi dheere chalana!" :D

Bhot dard hota hai jab teacher kehta hai…

Bhot dard hota hai jab teacher kehta hai…
Tumhara aur tumhare aage wale ka answer same tha...
Tb dil se awaaz aati hai…
Toh saale question bhi to same hi tha… ;-)

Monday, December 12, 2011

The choice is ours....

Every test in our life makes us •► bitter or better.

Every problem comes to •► make us or break us.

The Choice is ours to become •► a victim or be victorious!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Every Boy's wish ...

Every Boy's Wish: I am not a Prince, but My Life Partner should be a Princess...

True Lover Wish: My Life Partner may not be a Princess, but, I Promise I'll Treat Her Like a PRINCESS.....

When Aryabhatta checked my paper ...

When Aryabhatta checked my paper
Then he invented zero ;-)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What happens when history paper is set by science teacher ;-)

History Sir Was Sick, So Science Sir Was Asked 2 Set The Paper
Very 1st Question Shocked The Students...



Describe Hitler In Detail With A Neat Diagram & Label The Parts?   :P

Tum Hisaab nahi jaante !!!

Teacher: Agar Tum apney dost ko 500 do,usko 200 ki zrurt ho to wo ktne waps dega

Stdnt kuch b ni

Teacher:Tum Hisab nai jante?

Stdnt:Sir aap un Kameeno ko Nahi jantey.....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

2 reasons why i should go 2 college... ;-)

Mom: Son, get up its time to go to College.

Son: No ma. I dont want to go to College.

Mom: Give me 2 reason why dont u want to go to college.

Son: 1. All students hate me. 2. The whole staff hates me.

Mom: Ooh! Thats not a reason. Come on.U must go to college.

Son: Give me 2 reasons why i should go 2 college.

Mom: 1. U are 57 years old. 2. U are the PRINCIPAL of the college........!!   :P

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trying to change others....

Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others...

What has the technology given us with???

1. We (humans) used to fight for land, and are still doing the same.

2. We used to be afraid of the unknown domain, and we still are.

3. We used to show our faith in God especially in worst times, & still follow it.

4. We used to worry about our living, and still keep that.

5. We all wanted to become better than the person next door, and still want that.

And the list continues…

So, what have we got???

1. The wooden sticks & swords have given way to guns & bombs thus giving us better means to fight ;-)

2. Science has provided us logical reason to be afraid of unknown ;-)

3. Technology is working hard in this respect so that something can be changed here too ;-)

4. We used to worry about food & shelter (basically) and now technology has given us with automobiles, electronic gadgets and so many things to worry about ;-)

5. The definition for becoming better was wealth mainly, now it includes: a more luxurious car, a more expensive mobile, a more expensive wrist watch, a more expensive dress, a bigger house, and so many things to become better ;-)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Class assignment - Stories with morals in it ;-)

A teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories.

Kathy said, “My father’s a farmer and we have a lot of egg-laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the pickup when we hit a bump in the road and all the eggs went flying and broke and made a mess.” “And what’s the moral of the story?” asked the teacher.“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!” “Very good,” said the teacher.

Next little Lucy raised a hand and said, “Our family are farmers, too. But we raise chickens for the meat market. We had a dozen eggs one time, but when they hatched we only got ten live chicks and the moral to this story is, don’t count your chickens until they’re hatched.” “That was a fine story Lucy.

Johnny, do you have a story to share?”“Yes, ma’am! My daddy told me this story about my Aunt Marge. She was a flight engineer during Desert Storm and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun and a Machete. So .. she drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn’t break. Then she landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops. She killed 70 of them with the machine gun until it ran out of bullets! Then she killed 20 more with the machete till the blade broke; then she killed the last 10 with her bare hands.”“Good heavens,” said the horrified teacher, “what kind of moral did your daddy tell you from that horrible story?”




“Stay away from Aunt Marge when she’s been drinking"    :D

Sangeet sunkar gyan nahi milta...

Sangeet sunkar gyan nahi milta,
Mandir jake bhagwaan nahi milta,
Pathar ko log isliye poojte hain kyonki,
Dil mein basa unhe bhagwaan nahi dikhta !!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Life is a race...

Everyone wants to win the race calleD lifE, only ProblEm is thAt destination is not Known to most - by DEEPAK GARG   ;-)

If you’re not ready...

There’s a difference between love and like, wrong and right.

Never run if you’re not ready to step, and never forgive if you’re not ready to forget..

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Do you have brain...

Teacher: Can you see God?
Class: No.
Teacher: Can you touch God?
Class: No. ...
... Teacher: Then there isn't a God! ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
*Student raises their hand and says...*

Student: Sir, can you see your brain?
Teacher: No.
Student: Can you touch your brain?
Teacher: No.
Student: Oh okay, so you don't have a brain?  

;-) Students ROCKS........

पलट जाए ज़िंदगी तो क्या बात है ...

किताबो के पन्ने पलट के सोचते है | यू पलट जाए ज़िंदगी तो क्या बात है,
तमन्ना जो पूरी हो ख्वाबो मे | हक़ीकत बन जाए तो क्या बात है,

कुछ लोग मतलब के लिए ढूढते है मुझे | बिन मतलब कोई आए तो क्या बात है,
क़त्ल कर के तो सब ले जाएँगे दिल मेरा | कोई बातो से ले जाए तो क्या बात है,

जो शरीफो की शराफत मे बात ना हो | 1 शराबी कह जाए तो क्या बात है,
ज़िंदगी रहने तक तो खुशी दूँगा सबको…  किसिको मेरी मौत पे खुशी मिल जाए तो क्या बात है….!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Some people can never forget their place. Mr Pradhan of TATA SONS issued a statement to reflect his true place - a cattleyard...

AHMEDABAD: Campus placements at top business schools are like cattle fairs held atPushkar every year, said Tata Sons Chief (Group HR) Satish Pradhan while addressing the annual national business summit Confluence-2011 at Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad on Friday. 

Pradhan said the campus placements in instituteslike IIMs are like auctioning of cattle at Pushkar mela, where cattle are groomed and painted so that they fetch the best price at the auction. "Just like cattle is paraded and traded at the fair, the highest tag goes to the student with the best performance during the two years (of their programme)," he said. 

I guess that Mr. Pradhan has come to top from some local college like those opened at every corner of the street now a days. Else he should have known that those who enter the IITs & IIMs in India are among the most intellectual brains available in the country. Yes, there is cut-throat competitions to get the job & succeed ahead but thats present even when you enter the organizations i.e. corporate world. That is the nature that one has to crush other to move ahead (Survival of the fittest), but that doesn't makes us eligible to be called cattles...

Comparing the placements of colleges like IIMs with cattle fair is not only rude & unwise but an insult to the Indian education system as a whole. Let me remind Mr. Pradhan that even though it was Mr. TATA's dream / vision to bring a car of Rs 1 lac, but it was the engineers & managers graduated from such colleges only who made that dream a reality.

So, if Mr. Pradhan can't give respect to others, he should look at his back once & will find that he had once traveled the same road that he is criticizing now. He need to mind his words before issuing such statements...

Pic of the Day - KEEP MOVING....

A Lesson In Psychology......

When someone laughs too much,
Even on stupid things,
Be sure that person is Sad deep inside...

When someone sleeps a lot,
Be sure that person is Lonely...

When someone does not talk much,
'and If he talks, he Talks Fast,
Be sure the Person Keeps Secrets...

When someone does not Cry,
Be Sure that Person is Weak...

When someone Eats in an Abnormal Way,
Be sure that Person is Always in Tension...

'And Finally..
When someone Asks about you,
Although that person May Be busy,
Be sure that someone Loves You.. !!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Quote - When friends move ahead...

Waqt ke saath zamana aage ko badta gaya,
Par humara to waqt jaise wahin tham sa gaya,
Logon ka status waqt ke saath badata chala gaya,
Aur main yahan khada apne bachpan mein reh gaya...

Pic of the Day - Late for the Meeting....

Life is a game we have to play!!!

Har pal mein yahan pyaar hai,
Har lamhe mein hai koi khushi,
Kho do toh bas yaadein hai,
Jee lo toh ye hi hai zindagi...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Alexander, after conquering many kingdoms, was returning home. On the way, he fell ill and it took him to his death bed. With death staring him in his face, Alexander realized how his conquests, his great army, his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no consequence. He now longed to reach home to see his mother's face and bid her his last adieu. But, he had to accept the fact that his sinking health would not permit him to reach his distant homeland. So, the mighty conqueror lay prostrate and pale, helplessly waiting to breathe his last.
He called his generals and said, "I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail."
With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their king's last wishes.
"My first desire is that", said Alexander, "My physicians alone must carry my coffin." After a pause, he continued, "Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury".
The king felt exhausted after saying this. He took a minute's rest and continued. "My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin".
The people who had gathered there wondered at the king's strange wishes. But no one dared bring the question to their lips.. Alexander's favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. "O king, we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?"
At this Alexander took a deep breath and said: "I would like the world to know of the three lessons I have just learnt.
Lessons to learn from last 3 wishes of King Alexander...
I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure any body. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let not people take life for granted.
The second wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the way to the graveyard is to tell People that not even a fraction of gold will come with me. I spent all my life earning riches but cannot take anything with me. Let people realize that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth.
And about my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I wish people to know that I came empty handed into this world and empty handed I go out of this world".
With these words, the king closed his eyes. Soon he let death conquer him and breathed his last. . . .
  • Remember, your good health is in your own hands, look after it.
  • Wealth is only meaningful if you can enjoy while you are still alive and kicking.
  • What you do for yourself dies with you but what you do for others, lives on.
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going.....

Pic of the Day - Trust...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why I failed in vocab test...

I failed in my college's vocabulary test


because they told me to write fantastic

and I wrote my name.....   ;-)

Pic of the Day - Why are you not Growing..... ;-)

Laws Which Newton Forgot To State...

LAW OF QUEUE: If you change ur queue, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.

LAW OF TELEPHONE: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.

LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.

LAW OF WORKSHOP: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

BATH THEOREM: When the body is immersed in water, the telefone rings.

LAW OF ENCOUNTERS: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with    : P

Monday, November 21, 2011

Real Mistake...

“The only real mistake is the one

From which we learn nothing.”

Government passed a new rule.......

Beautiful girls & Handsome boys have to pay personality tax...





Don't smile guys


I know you are safe, but meri to vaat lag gayi na.....    ;-)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Awesome! B_O_M_B_A_Y ...

1) Bombay has no bombs and is a harbour not a bay.

2) Churchgate has neither a church nor a gate. It is a railway station.

3) There is no darkness in Andheri.

4) Lalbaag is neither red nor a garden.

5) No king ever stayed at Kings Circle...

6) Nor did Queen Victoria stay at Victoria Terminus...

7) Nor is there any princess at Princess Street...

8) Lower Parel is at the same level as Parel

9) There are no marines or sailors at Marine Lines.

10) The Mahalaxmi temple is at Haji Ali not at Mahalaxmi.

11) There are no pigs traded at Dukar bazaar.

12) Teen batti is a junction of 3 roads, not three lamps.

13) Trams used to terminate at Kings Circle not Dadar* Tram Terminus (Dadar T...T...).

14) Breach Candy is not a sweetmeat market, but there is a Hospital.

15) Safed Pool has the dirtiest and blackest water.

16) You cannot buy coal at Kolsa Street.

17) There are no Iron smiths at Lohar chawl.

18) There are no pot makers at Kumbhar wada.

19) Lokhandwala complex is not an Iron and steel market.

20) Null bazaar does not sell taps.

21) You will not find ladyfingers at Bheendi Bazaar.

22) Kalachowki does not have a black Police station.

23) Hanging Gardens are not suspended

24) Mirchi Gully does not sell chillies. Figs do not grow in Anjir Wadi.

25) Sitafals do not grow in Sitafal Wadi,

26) Jackfruits do not grow at Fanaswadi.

27) But it is true that you may get fleeced at Chor Bazaar!!

A very nice quote on life...

जिंदगी तो अपने दम पर ही जी जाती हैं...

औरो के कंधो पर सिर्फ जनाजे उठा करते हैं...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Swami Vivekananda said:

"Talk to yourself atleast once in a Day, Otherwise you may mìss a mèèting with an EXCELLENT person in this World."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pic of the Day - Playing Outside...

Imtihaan ke wo teen ghante...

Imtihaan ke wo teen ghante aise dushwaar ho gaye,
Jo the dushman, aaj wo bhi yaar ho gaye :-)

Aata na tha jawab kisi ko sabhi sawaalon ka,
Par mil bant ke kara kaam to sabhi paas ho gaye ;-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived; happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including love.

Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived; happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including love.

One day it was announced to all the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Hence, all the feelings prepared their boats to leave. Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island paradise until the last possible moment. When the island was almost totally under, Love decided it was time to leave. She began looking for someone to ask for help.

Just then Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked, "Richness, Can I come with you on your boat?"
Richness answered, "I'm sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on my boat and there would be no room for you anywhere."
Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a beautiful vessel.
Love cried out, "Vanity, help me please."
"I can't help you", Vanity said, "You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat."
Next, Love saw Sadness passing by.
Love said, "Sadness, please let me go with you."
Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry, but, I just need to be alone now."
Then, Love saw Happiness.
Love cried out, " Happiness, please take me with you."
But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn't hear Love calling to him. Love began to cry.

Then, she heard a voice say, "Come Love, I will take you with me."
It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived on land the elder went on his way. Love realized how much she owed the elder.

Love then found Knowledge and asked, "Who was it that helped me?"
"It was Time", Knowledge answered.
"But why did Time help me when no one else would?", Love asked.

Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity, answered,
"Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is..."

Difference between Arrange marriage & Love Marriage.... ;-)

Arrange marriage is

"while you are walking unfortunately a snake bites you".

But love marriage is

"dancing in front of a cobra and singing,WANNA B MY CHHAMAK CHALLO..."      ;-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Student Life........

Yaar rab ka diya sub kuch hai:
Books hai
Notes hai
Time hai
... Mauka hai
Or hausla b itna hai k jb chahe
padh ke TOP kar sake hain,
bas ek hi baat ki kami ha yar.
Ye sala
"MOOD" hi nahi banta kya kare.... ;-)

Monday, November 14, 2011

A lovely quote for my friends....

दिन हुआ है तो रात भी होगी,
हो मत उदास कभी तो बात भी होगी,
इतने प्यार से दोस्ती की है खुदा की कसम,
जिंदगी रही तो मुलाकात भी होगी !!!

कोशिश कीजिए हमें याद करने की,
लम्हे तो अपने आप ही मिल जायेंगे,
तमन्ना कीजिए हमें मिलने की,
बहाने तो अपने आप ही मिल जायेंगे !!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just a thought on .... Jealeousy

Aankhon mein chubhan, Hothon pe hasi,
Dil mEin zEher, Chehre pe khushi,
Kahani hai ye, humare aas PAas hi Kahin,
Gaur se socho kahin ye hum hi to nahi...

Friday, November 11, 2011

"Why is Facebook such a hit?

It works on the principle that-

'People are more interested in others life than their own'

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What To Leave Out of Your Resume...

There's a lot one is supposed to put on their resume, but have you remembered to pay attention to what should be removed?


If you have experience, your resume should show it. After all, your resume is the professional you - your life, experiences - everything that makes you a better candidates. And that doesn't mean you save on the print cost and use a small font-size and abbreviated descriptions so that it all fits into one page. If you've lived large, your resume should be large.

Just a Degree?

Everybody being interviewed has a degree. What do you have (i.e. work experience) that sets you apart. And not only do you need to mention work experience, but your accomplishments - they further set you apart.

Bad Paper

The paper your resume is printed on shouldn't be of an inferior quality. While most cyber cafes stock high quality paper, this is still worth paying attention to. A discerning HR at a premium company might be turned off by faded yellowing paper. And only A4!

Useless Hobbies

A hobby is a activity you do in your leisure time. There's nothing wrong with watching TV as a hobby, but the HR interviewing you views your hobbies as an extension of your productivity, and will ask you questions about it.

Fancy Fonts

Times New Roman, Helvetica and Arial are your friends. Comic Sans is not. That said, be safe with only one font for all headings, subheadings and descriptions.

Typos, Bad Grammar

Not allowed. Use short sentences, small, words. If you're still unsure, have it checked out by someone who knows the language better than you.


If you're caught, not only will you be banned from the company, but you also might be blacklisted from a lot of allied companies.

Embarrassing Email Address

This one is optional, but it is still advisable to change your email username from something irritating (e.g. to something simple. The easiest? your name@email.

Honorific Titles and Flowery Language

An HR will laugh at "May I bring to your esteemed attention…"in your covering letter, or any attempts at projecting a grandiose image of yourself. The real you will be sitting right in front of the interviewer in a few days, not the resume.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Human Resourse Management in CORPORATE WORLD...

This is a true incident of how some of the most reputed compnies treat their employees and call it HUMAR RESOURSE MANAGEMENT. It clearly justifies a pic in the news of America where banner holder was saying: "WE ARE NOT HUMAN RESOURCE, WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS"

This particular incident happened with Mahindra Satyam, that has already been in news for one of the biggest scandals in corporate world (when it was Satyam only). The company has been recruiting heavily from the colleges and through off-campus selection, engineers to meet their requirement. The selection is based on various written tests and interviews before being finally selected as employee of the company. now the real story behind the curtain begins.

The trainees are made to go through classroom training and then have to take various tests against their training. Those who fail to meet a very stiff criteria are shown the exit, without giving a chance in form of extended training or so. Here the thing to be noted is that it is never informed before selection that such an exit can be there during training itself. The question is that if you have already selected the candidates on basis of tests & interviews as per your criteria, then isn't it responsibility of the company to give them at least one more chance and develop them to be competitive enough. If not, then what does "HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT" means if you want already talented employees only. There are candidates who have left their jobs to join thses organizations in hope of a better future. And this is what they get if they are not good enough to memorize the classroom teachings. This is the bright future that some of top companies especially in field of Information Technology offers. Nice right???

 Now coming to the incident, one of the trainee employee met with an accident after taking the last test of the training. Instead of helping the employee inany form, the company presonnel demended a resignation from the employee within a day and threatened a termination in case of non-compliance. This has happened when the said employee was almost unconsious and unable to even sit properly. The employee was neither declared the result officially nor was given any chance to meet the HR person as per policies of almost all companies as part of exit procedure. This is the way human resources are developed in IT industry it seems.

The question here is not about that employee. Its about the practices of the corporate world and why the inequality can't go away. Because anyone who gets the entry and some power in any organization, be it govt. or private concern, always tries to let their own near and dear ones prosper and rest are made to suffer in hell. Those who can say YES BOSS are good for the company and the bosses of course, and those who can work sincerely are only liabilities to the company???

Please comment if you agree or not.

Pic of the Day - Addiction...