Sunday, November 6, 2011

Human Resourse Management in CORPORATE WORLD...

This is a true incident of how some of the most reputed compnies treat their employees and call it HUMAR RESOURSE MANAGEMENT. It clearly justifies a pic in the news of America where banner holder was saying: "WE ARE NOT HUMAN RESOURCE, WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS"

This particular incident happened with Mahindra Satyam, that has already been in news for one of the biggest scandals in corporate world (when it was Satyam only). The company has been recruiting heavily from the colleges and through off-campus selection, engineers to meet their requirement. The selection is based on various written tests and interviews before being finally selected as employee of the company. now the real story behind the curtain begins.

The trainees are made to go through classroom training and then have to take various tests against their training. Those who fail to meet a very stiff criteria are shown the exit, without giving a chance in form of extended training or so. Here the thing to be noted is that it is never informed before selection that such an exit can be there during training itself. The question is that if you have already selected the candidates on basis of tests & interviews as per your criteria, then isn't it responsibility of the company to give them at least one more chance and develop them to be competitive enough. If not, then what does "HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT" means if you want already talented employees only. There are candidates who have left their jobs to join thses organizations in hope of a better future. And this is what they get if they are not good enough to memorize the classroom teachings. This is the bright future that some of top companies especially in field of Information Technology offers. Nice right???

 Now coming to the incident, one of the trainee employee met with an accident after taking the last test of the training. Instead of helping the employee inany form, the company presonnel demended a resignation from the employee within a day and threatened a termination in case of non-compliance. This has happened when the said employee was almost unconsious and unable to even sit properly. The employee was neither declared the result officially nor was given any chance to meet the HR person as per policies of almost all companies as part of exit procedure. This is the way human resources are developed in IT industry it seems.

The question here is not about that employee. Its about the practices of the corporate world and why the inequality can't go away. Because anyone who gets the entry and some power in any organization, be it govt. or private concern, always tries to let their own near and dear ones prosper and rest are made to suffer in hell. Those who can say YES BOSS are good for the company and the bosses of course, and those who can work sincerely are only liabilities to the company???

Please comment if you agree or not.

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