Friday, November 9, 2012

Story Time - The Perfect Wife

"Once, two friends met in a restaurant. One told the other that his marriage had been arranged, and he invited his friend to attend the wedding. He also inquired as to whether his friend had considered marriage.

"'Yes,' replied the friend, 'I was quite eager to get married and set out to find the perfect wife. I met a woman in Spain. She was beautiful, intelligent and spiritual, but she had no worldly knowledge, so I couldn't consider
marrying her.

"'In Korea I met another woman. She was beautiful, intelligent and had both worldly and spiritual knowledge, but I couldn't communicate with her. So again, I continued my search. 

Finally, I met her in Afghanistan – the woman of my dreams. She was perfect in all respects. I could even communicate with her.'

Interrupting, the first fellow inquired, 'Did you marry her?

No, replied his friend.

Why not?' asked the first fellow.

Because she, herself, was looking for the perfect husband.

"We cannot expect to find happiness and perfection in the world. Contentment and happiness depend solely on the mind, not on external objects or circumstances."

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