Saturday, December 27, 2014


Friday, December 26, 2014

Some Lesser Known Facts related to Ramayana

Ravana and his brother Kumbhakarna are considered to be the incarnations of Jaya and Vijaya the gate keepers of Lord Vishnu's world. They were cursed by Brahmas sons Four Kumaras  to be born in earth after they were refused entry into Lord Vishnu's world. Jaya and Vijaya then pleaded Lord Vishnu to show them solution by which they could avoid the dire consequence of their insolence.

Lord Vishnu gave them two options. They could either be born as his devotees for 7 life cycles or as his enemies for 3 life cycles. They chose the later since they preferred not to be separated from Lord Vishnu for a Long period of time.

They were born as:

  1. Hiranyaksha & Hiranyakashapa in Satya Yuga
  2. Ravana and Kumbhakarna in Tretha Yuga
  3. Dantavakra and Shishupala in Dwapara Yuga.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


नेपियर-जिस्बॉर्न रेलवे (न्यूजीलैंड)

नेपियर से जिस्बॉर्न का रेलवे ट्रैक अनूठा है, क्योंकि यह जिस्बॉर्न हवाई अड्डे के मुख्य रनवे से होकर गुजरता है। ट्रेनों को इस रनवे पर बनी पटरी से गुजरने से पहले एयर ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल रूम से अनुमति लेनी होती है। तस्वीर में हवाई अड्डे के रनवे के बीच से 1939 स्टीम ट्रेन गुजरती दिख रही है।


The railway track from Napier to Gisborne is one of its kind, because the track runs directly through the Gisborne Airport. The trains have to take permission from traffic Control Room to run through this runway.]

Friday, November 7, 2014


Eligibility : Diploma(Civil, Electrical, ECE, Mech)BE/B.Tech(chemical engineering, Civil, CSE, EEE, Industrial, IT, ICE, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical, Electrical)

Location : Bhopal

Last Date : 24 Nov 2014

Job Type : Full Time

Hiring Process : Written-test

Candidate should apply Online latest by 24.11.2014.  After submission of online application, copy of online acknowledgement slip along with self-attested copies of documents mentioned below shall be sent to " Post Box No-35, Post office, Piplani, BHEL Bhopal - 462022(M.P.) " so that it reaches by 01.12.2014

Important Dates : 
Date for opening of lines for online submission of applications04.11.2014
Date for closing of lines for online submission of applications24.11.2014
Last date of receiving of copy of acknowledgement slip along with Self Attested copies of prescribed documents at address " Post Box No. 35, Piplani Post Office, BHEL Bhopal- 462022 (M.P.)"01.12.2014

Friday, October 10, 2014


This is one of the most common excuse that politicians, celebrities and other men and women with power, give whenever they are convicted in a case and sent to jail. They always try to seek bail on Medical Grounds or Citing their Age as a consideration. SO, SHALL WE MAKE IT A LAW TO GIVE IMMUNITY FROM LEGAL PROCEEDINGS TO ALL THE SICK PEOPLE (ESPECIALLY THOSE WITH POWER AND MONEY IN THEIR HAND). SHALL WE ALLOW THEM TO DO FURTHER CRIMES AND REMAIN FREE ON BAIL FOR FURTHER CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE OLD OR BECAUSE THEY ARE SICK.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HOW THEY BECOME SICK AND UNWELL SUDDENLY, WHEN THEY ARE ORDERED TO GO TO JAIL. Before any such decision, how come they are holding their positions with power and doing their job / business AND SUDDENLY BECOME UNWELL ON THE NAME OF BEING SENT TO JAIL. 

And if they are given excuse and granted bail on medical grounds, why their are people in the jails who are old and sick and even die in jails, but don't have power or money. IS THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION DIFFERENT FOR RICH AND POWERFUL PEOPLE AND FOR COMMON MAN WHO DOESN'T HAVE MONEY AND POWER.

As a common man, I am not personally against any leader / party / businessperson or anyone else who might feel offended. But as an Indian, I along with majority of people falling in the category of COMMON MAN wants fair justice for all on equal grounds and no favoritism to so called VIPs or VVIPs

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Indian Voters Dilemma - by Chetan Bhagat

Congress, BJP and AAP represent a choice between dishonesty and incompetence 

Lets say you have a fleet of cars.You hire a driver.He drives reasonably well but starts stealing money.When you give him money to refuel,he puts in less petrol and pockets the rest.When you send the car for servicing,he asks the service centre to inflate the bills and takes a cut. The system of the house is the driver has the home safe keys.Hence,he can take out whatever money he wants and claim he needs it for the cars.Soon,the stealing becomes excessive.Not a day goes by without you hearing what the driver stole today.

Sick of all this,you change the driver.Over time,the second driver starts stealing too.It is so easy to pilfer after all.Also,the reason the new driver was hired was not because of his honesty but because of his colour, caste or religion.Hence the robberies continue.

The suffering owners switch between the two drivers,but the stealing doesn't stop.Soon,a third driver emerges and applies for a job.He is extremely honest and passionate,even though he has no experience.Delighted,you hire him to drive one of your small cars.

This new driver doesn't steal money.However,he breaks the tail-lights while reversing the car on the first day.The next day,he crashes the car at a signal.The third day,he forgets to refuel and you are stranded on the road.The fourth day,he stands in the middle of the road and screams at every other car owner,calling them thieves for not hiring him. 

The fifth day,he wants all drivers to come on the road and not follow the red lights.When you confront the new driver about his unruly behaviour and incompetence at the wheel,he screams at you instead.How dare you question an honest driver It only means you are supporting robbers. Scared,you become quiet.Next,he wants to change everything,and control every car.You are not sure,and you wonder what to do.Disgusted,he quits. 

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the first two drivers are Congress and BJP,and the third one is AAP.It is the dilemma we Indians are stuck with.

The earlier drivers cheated us.The new driver is not competent but already arrogant.He assumes a sense of virtuous entitlement,with the right to slander,attack and judge anyone who criticises him. AAP is honest.Their intentions could be good.However,being as kind as possible to my AAP friends,there are four major flaws in their workings.

One,their policies are downright loony.No matter what they say about embracing capitalism,the mentality seems to be anti-business  anti-jobs, anti wealth creation and geared towards total government control. These are the exact policies which lead to nepotism and corruption over the long run. 

Second,they have a misplaced sense of priorities.There were a hundred good things their Delhi government could have done,without any opposition.They didn't. They focused on the most newsworthy events,to gain the maximum applause in the shortest span of time and quit. They also believe the issues they raise should be top priority for all media,intellectuals,political leaders of the country,else the latter are biased.They took on a sub judice matter about the Ambanis,and wanted the whole world to talk about it.If you didnt comply,you were obviously on Ambanis payroll.

Third,AAP is unable to get along with anybody who's not AAP. They hate all political opponents,police and media if these entities dont dance to their tune.This makes AAP quite incompetent in building consensus for decisions in a country as diverse as India. 

Four,the hypocrisy of AAP is visible already.From going soft on allegations against their own,the very act of using the system to gain political power but not following it when it doesn't suit them,one sees them as being opportunistic more than do-gooders.

All this can change.The third driver can learn how to drive.Similarly,the first two drivers can learn to stop stealing.Whether the honest have to be made competent,or the competent have to turn honest all this will require a certain humility,sadly missing on all sides.In such a scenario,what should the Indian voter do.
Of course,there is no one answer.None of the alternatives is perfect yet.Please don't let them feel that they are.If you choose AAP,you may have a little less corruption (it cannot all go away so fast) but you risk having bizarre policies,failed experiments and more antics than action.You risk a further slowdown in economic growth and a decade of fewer jobs as AAP treats the country like a laboratory.

If you choose the existing alternatives you may have more stability,likely return to growth,more jobs.But corruption may not be as much a priority as you would have liked.Choose wisely.Select those who are humble and willing to change,as everyone needs to.It will take a few iterations before we get leadership that is both honest and competent.Let us hope it happens sooner rather than later.

*Source: Times of India newspaper dated 22 Feb 2014