Friday, October 10, 2014


This is one of the most common excuse that politicians, celebrities and other men and women with power, give whenever they are convicted in a case and sent to jail. They always try to seek bail on Medical Grounds or Citing their Age as a consideration. SO, SHALL WE MAKE IT A LAW TO GIVE IMMUNITY FROM LEGAL PROCEEDINGS TO ALL THE SICK PEOPLE (ESPECIALLY THOSE WITH POWER AND MONEY IN THEIR HAND). SHALL WE ALLOW THEM TO DO FURTHER CRIMES AND REMAIN FREE ON BAIL FOR FURTHER CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE OLD OR BECAUSE THEY ARE SICK.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HOW THEY BECOME SICK AND UNWELL SUDDENLY, WHEN THEY ARE ORDERED TO GO TO JAIL. Before any such decision, how come they are holding their positions with power and doing their job / business AND SUDDENLY BECOME UNWELL ON THE NAME OF BEING SENT TO JAIL. 

And if they are given excuse and granted bail on medical grounds, why their are people in the jails who are old and sick and even die in jails, but don't have power or money. IS THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION DIFFERENT FOR RICH AND POWERFUL PEOPLE AND FOR COMMON MAN WHO DOESN'T HAVE MONEY AND POWER.

As a common man, I am not personally against any leader / party / businessperson or anyone else who might feel offended. But as an Indian, I along with majority of people falling in the category of COMMON MAN wants fair justice for all on equal grounds and no favoritism to so called VIPs or VVIPs

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