Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mysteries From India - The Village Of Twins

Kodinhi is a village in Malappuram district in Kerala, India. Administered by the Nannambra panchayat, the village came to international attention for the unusually large number of multiple births in the region.

Kodinhi only has around 2,000 families, yet there are 250 sets of twins officially registered there. In fact, there could be many more—experts estimate there could be as many as 350 sets of twins in the area.

Despite several studies being conducted, the exact cause of this phenomenon is yet to be ascertained. Women from Kodinhi married off to faraway places are also known to give birth to twins. The number of twin births in Kodinhi has been increasing over the years

Research has suggested that the multiple births could be related to the eating habits of the women in the region; though no direct correlation between dietary intake and twin births has been observed.

Doctors have absolutely no idea what is causing this strange phenomenon. They assume there must be some unknown hereditary factor at work, or maybe it’s something they eat. Until they find out for sure, the Village of Twins remains one of the strangest curiosities of perhaps the most mysterious country in the world

Similar phenomenon of a large number of twin births within a small isolated community has been observed in Cândido Godói, Brazil & in the town of Igbo-Ora in Nigeria

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