Saturday, May 9, 2015

Want to buy a car... but unsure if you can afford one or not??

Often we consider the price of a car while buying it, and may be the power, comfort, fuel economy etc. Especially while buying a low cost car, we put emphasis on fuel economy but often neglect other costs associated with it. Here's a approximate tabular representation that how a car's running cost may go to almost 40-50% of its purchase price.

These table which are based on very raw calculations show that if you drive your car for approx 30 Kms a day for going to your office and market etc., you may run into shedding about 40% of its purchase price every year. This doesn't takes into account cost for emergency works like accidental damage, techincal problems etc. 

Of course if you are going for further higher grade cars / luxury cars, these figures may not scare you, but if you are a middle class working person, you may want to re-think about your plan to buy a new car. 

And for those who consider car is a necessity now a days, this table still indicates that owning a car shall still be considered as a luxury meant for your comfort only.

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