Friday, May 6, 2016

AIADMK vows free mobiles, laptops with internet, free electricity in manifesto*

Another election season has come and yet another season to offer lolly-pops (sweet candy) to the voters. The ruling party AIADMK has promised so many freebies to the voters that some people may feel it useless to go to work and demand the state to provide them meals and home and clothes and other luxuries for free. And the freebies are offered in such a manner that even those who will pay for these freebies (indirectly) will feel happy that they are getting everything for free. Assuming that no-corruption takes place in distribution of these freebies (which is highly unlikely), These freebies are being offered by the govt from the state treasury which is the fund of the common man and not meant to be distributed for anyone's political interests and personal benefits. The question is that are these good enough for the citizens to re-elect the ruling party once again and shouldn't these freebies be considered as open bribes to lure the voters?.

Whenever the election approaches in any state or in the country, political parties try to offer various attractive schemes and offers to the voters to attract them towards their party and get maximum possible votes. Offering discounts like subsidies, even though not good for economy, may still be considered as a more logical approach since the things are not totally free of cost. When things start coming for free, they are misused by the beneficiaries. But if the very same person has to pay (at least) a part for enjoying the benefit of that same thing (like electricity), they tend to use it more wisely. 

Every time the elections come, parties (in general) tend to announce the waiver of loans for farmers (a very common happening). This encourages the people to start defaulting willfully and the defaulters also become relaxed that the loans will be waived off the next election season, so why worry about paying the loans. Similar thing happens for pending electricity / water bills. The result is that the honest bill payers feel cheated. Either they continue to be honest while feeling cheated or they also get encouraged to start defaulting on the hope that next time their bills/ loans will also be waived off. But who will pay for those bills/Loans. The money  is going to come from the taxpayers pockets and the money that could have been used to build the roads and other infrastructure has not (indirectly) gone into the pockets of the defaulters who otherwise are criminals (if one doesn't pay bills/loan, they can be challenged in courts and can be punished - thus tag: criminals)

The decision to announce free internet or Rs 500 coupons on pongal etc are nothing more than open bribes. And if that has to be done, better fund it from their party fund. Why are these parties spending the taxpayers' hard earned money for their individual interests. This money was paid as tax so that govt can develop infrastructure, and provide job opportunities to them and their children, and not to use it to gain political power for handful of people. 

Why there is no check on such things which is not only effecting the common man, but also the economy as a whole. Why the common man is made to feel cheated and made to feel helpless when the govt is expected to be "by the people, of the people, for the people." Its time (though unlikely) that we the voters understand this political games and cast our votes to someone who will make our present and our future a better place to live.

* Source:

**Disclaimer: The content writer is neither a resident of the state under consideration and neither a supporter nor a critic of any political party. These views are purely based upon the topic under consideration i.e. freebies to voters

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