Friday, June 17, 2016


Preparation Time: (3 hours approx.)
Serves: 3


  • 10 strawberries(fresh) or ½ cup strawberry puree
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • ½ cup condensed milk
  • ½ cup whipping cream
  • One drop pink colour(optional)


  • Take fresh strawberries and wash it.
  • Use a sturdy straw, centre the straw into the bottom of the strawberry and push through slowly, out the top of it.
  • The strawberries head with the leaves will come out easily, again wash the strawberries in water to make sure you have cleaned it properly.
  • Puree the freshly cleaned strawberries.
  • Add the Condensed milk to the puree. Add the vanilla essence and a drop of pink colour. adding colour is optional you can skip this step.
  • Add the whipping cream in a bowl. Beat it till it reaches the soft peak. Mix strawberry purees with the whipping cream and blend it smoothly.
  • Delicious and creamy Strawberry ice cream are ready. Refrigerate the ice cream and serve it with your favourite toppings.
* Taken from the internet

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