Friday, May 18, 2018

The darkness is upon us....

When I was a kid, I still remember that we used to have a hand-pump in our home and it used to be there in most homes especially in small towns and villages. It used to draw water from the underground and we used to use it for our household activities including drinking water without any filters etc.

Then came the time when the need for filtering the water was felt and most homes used to keep simple filters to remove bigger particles like mud etc which used to be present in almost negligible quantity. But still to be on safer side, filters became a trend among most households.

The time has changed very rapidly over last couple of decades and our environment is no exception to the change. In last one decade or so, electric water purifiers also known as ROs have become a common sight in almost every middle class home and even penetrating homes of lower class people who don't want to take a risk with their children's health and manage to purchase a RO somehow. Water pollution has reached such a level that we won't like to consume the water directly from any source till it is filtered (Purified as these advertisements of ROs say).

And then came the "Air". Air pollution is being called to be a problem for a long time now, may be more than a decade. People were often seen wearing masks during last couple of years, when they step outside their homes and offices. And now...

Now the time has come that you are not safe even inside your homes. Air purifiers are starting to penetrate our homes now and may be they are going to become a need sooner than we realize. If we had told someone in 20th century that the air you breathe is not clean and you must filter it, we would had been seen as an alien. But not anymore.

And this change has not happened over a century or over a millennia. It has happened over a couple of decades only. And may be this generation born towards the end of 20th century, will live long enough to see their children cry for clean air. Who knows that we may live and see our next generation checking their oxygen mask even before checking their wallet and documents, before they leave their house for their office. Is this the future we want to give to our children and their children. Can't we give up a little of our luxuries and comfort for a better and cleaner future for our next generation. If not, then I can only say that "The darkness is upon us and will strike us sooner than we can ever imagine"

to be continued...

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