Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Some randoms quotes from last few seminars...

  1. All that we are is a direct result of what we have thought - (My view is in disagreement. I believe that our present is decided by our decisions & not our thoughts)
  2. Don't compare yourself with anyone in the world. If you compare, you are insulting yourself. (I disagree. I think comparison is good if used as a benchmark to "improve" yourself)
  3. Every successful person has a painful story & every painful story has a successful ending. (I don't agree that every painful story has a successful ending. Only a few have, rest end up in disasters as the persons are not able to cope up with them)
  4. If you associate yourself with achievers, you will become one; if you associate yourself with losers, you will become one. (I don't agree completely. A good leader can even turn the losers into achievers)
  5. When a winner makes a mistake, he says "I was wrong"; when a loser makes a mistake, he says "It was not my fault." (I Won't argue with this; yet)
  6. Winners have schemes, losers have dreams (I Won't argue with this; yet)

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