Thursday, June 9, 2011

Whom to Blame ?

If anything goes wrong:

Don't Blame your Destiny
Don't Blame Others
Don't Blame it on God
Don't Blame Yourself either

 This is what we hear from one person or the other. The question is if no-one is to be blamed, then why the things went wrong? If anyone has the answer, please let me know.

However what I know for sure is that blaming Anyone is not going to set the things right. Learn from your mistakes & try to improve yourself. Not only we shall try to avoid the repeatition of the mistake, but try to avoid other mistakes as well, using that past learing. If everyone is going to follow the idea, well, many accidents / mishappenings can be avoided. I feel that it is one of the better ways to get fruitful results after facing anything that went wrong.

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