Thursday, November 10, 2016

Old notes deposited in the bank won't go in-noticed

आखिर मोदी जी की सरकार ने अपना एक और पता खोल ही दिया। २.५ लाख से अधिक मूल्य के पुराने नोट बैंक खाते में जमा करने पर  आयकर विभाग को जाएगी और फिर वो पहले से परेसान और दबे कुचले आम आदमी को परेशान करने आ पहुंचेंगे। ये मान  सकते हैं की इस कदम से बहुत सा काला धन रखने वाले पकड़ में आ सकते है पर ज़्यादा परेशान होगा वो आम आदमी जिसने किसी भी कारण से घर में अपनी मेहनत से कमाया पैसा जमा किया हुआ था और बैंक में जमा नही करवाया था।  परेशान होगा वो आम नागरिक जिसके घर में बेटे या बेटी की शादी वाली है और जिसने अपनी मेहनत की कमाई निकलवाई थी ताकी वो शादी के खर्चे कर सके और मेहमानों को सगन दे सके जो अब केवल रद्दी के टुकड़े बन गए हैं।  मोदी जी ये चाहते हैं की मेहमानों को सगन के रूप में "चेक" अथवा "डेबिट कार्ड" दिए जाएँ? क्या बैंड वाले, मिठाई वाले, पंडाल वाले, घोड़ी वाले और बाकि सभी छोटे व्यापारी आज की तारिख में डेबिट कार्ड अथवा नेट बैंकिंग के रास्ते अपना भुगतान लेने के लिए तैयार हैं? सिर्फ इसलिए की ज़्यादातर "मॉल्स" में प्लास्टिक मनी स्वीकार की जाती है, क्या सभी छोटे दुकानदार प्लास्टिक मनी के लिए तैयार हैं? बिना उन्हें तैयार करे आम आदमी की जेब से पैसा छीन लेना उन  दुकानदारों की आय पर वार नही है, जीनके ग्राहक अब दूसरी बड़ी दुकानों पर जाने को मजबूर हो जायेंगे क्योंकि उनकी जेब में डेबिट कार्ड है पर नोट नही।  बड़े रिश्वतखोर तो अपनी अधिकतर काली कमाई बचा लेंगे किसी न किसी रूप में, फस जाएगी उनकी जान जो अपने घर को ठीक करवाना चाहते थे या न्या  घर लेने वाले थे पर अब वो पैसा वापिस बैंक में जमा करवाने पर उन्हें सो तरह के सवाल पूछे जायेंगे।  मकसद भले ही सही हो पर त्योहारों और शादी के इस मौसम में आम आदमी की जेब से पैसा छीन लेना कहाँ तक उचित है?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Poetry - Sad (1)

सपने टूटे हैं, टुटा है ये दिल मेरा;
लोग फिर भी हमे ज़िंदा समझते हैं !
फूलों की चादर बिछी है इन राहों पे;
क्यों  हमें  फिर भी कांटे चुभते हैं !
समझो ना ये की ज़िन्दगी से हार गए हैं हम;
समंदर में फसी नाव जैसे हम बस किनारा ढूंढते हैं !

Friday, September 9, 2016

Central Bank of India - Recruitment of Credit Officers and Risk Managers

Recruitment process for selection of personnel for Credit Officers and Risk Managers in Middle Management Group (MMG), Scale II (Specialist Category)  

Important dates:

Start date for Online Registration                                          14.09.2016
Last date for Online Registration                                           30.09.2016
Download of Call letter for Examination On or After             20.10.2016
Tentative Date for Exam                                                          04.11.2016

Post:                  No. of vacancies    Scale of pay                                        Qualification/Experience

Credit Officer         38                     31705-1145/1-32850-1310/10-45950   MBA/PGDM in finance
                                                                                                                      (60% marks) or A pass in
                                                                                                                      final examination of the

Risk Managers       23                     31705-1145/1-32850-1310/10-45950  MBA (Finance) or M.Sc.
                                                                                                                     Statistics (60% marks)

Selection will be through on-line test and/or interview. Merely satisfying the eligibility norms do not entitles a candidate to be called for Test or Interview

Application fee: Rs. 50 for SC/ST/PwD and Rs. 550 for all other candidates

For details follow the link below:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Poetry on love

सुना है तुम ले लेते हो बदला हर बात का..
आज़माएँगे कभी हम तेरे लबों को चूम के... !

Monday, August 8, 2016

Life is short - So remember that...

·         No matter how beautiful and handsome you are, just remember Baboon and Gorillas also attracts tourists.
Moral: Stop Boasting!
·         No matter how big and strong you are, you will not carry yourself to your grave.
Moral: Be Humble!
·         No matter how tall you are, you can never see tomorrow.
Moral: Be Patient!
·         No matter how light skinned you are, you will always need light in darkness.
Moral: Take Caution!
·         No matter how rich and many cars you have, you will always walk to bed.
Moral: Be Contented!

Friday, June 17, 2016


Preparation Time: (3 hours approx.)
Serves: 3


  • 10 strawberries(fresh) or ½ cup strawberry puree
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • ½ cup condensed milk
  • ½ cup whipping cream
  • One drop pink colour(optional)


  • Take fresh strawberries and wash it.
  • Use a sturdy straw, centre the straw into the bottom of the strawberry and push through slowly, out the top of it.
  • The strawberries head with the leaves will come out easily, again wash the strawberries in water to make sure you have cleaned it properly.
  • Puree the freshly cleaned strawberries.
  • Add the Condensed milk to the puree. Add the vanilla essence and a drop of pink colour. adding colour is optional you can skip this step.
  • Add the whipping cream in a bowl. Beat it till it reaches the soft peak. Mix strawberry purees with the whipping cream and blend it smoothly.
  • Delicious and creamy Strawberry ice cream are ready. Refrigerate the ice cream and serve it with your favourite toppings.
* Taken from the internet

Friday, May 6, 2016

AIADMK vows free mobiles, laptops with internet, free electricity in manifesto*

Another election season has come and yet another season to offer lolly-pops (sweet candy) to the voters. The ruling party AIADMK has promised so many freebies to the voters that some people may feel it useless to go to work and demand the state to provide them meals and home and clothes and other luxuries for free. And the freebies are offered in such a manner that even those who will pay for these freebies (indirectly) will feel happy that they are getting everything for free. Assuming that no-corruption takes place in distribution of these freebies (which is highly unlikely), These freebies are being offered by the govt from the state treasury which is the fund of the common man and not meant to be distributed for anyone's political interests and personal benefits. The question is that are these good enough for the citizens to re-elect the ruling party once again and shouldn't these freebies be considered as open bribes to lure the voters?.

Whenever the election approaches in any state or in the country, political parties try to offer various attractive schemes and offers to the voters to attract them towards their party and get maximum possible votes. Offering discounts like subsidies, even though not good for economy, may still be considered as a more logical approach since the things are not totally free of cost. When things start coming for free, they are misused by the beneficiaries. But if the very same person has to pay (at least) a part for enjoying the benefit of that same thing (like electricity), they tend to use it more wisely. 

Every time the elections come, parties (in general) tend to announce the waiver of loans for farmers (a very common happening). This encourages the people to start defaulting willfully and the defaulters also become relaxed that the loans will be waived off the next election season, so why worry about paying the loans. Similar thing happens for pending electricity / water bills. The result is that the honest bill payers feel cheated. Either they continue to be honest while feeling cheated or they also get encouraged to start defaulting on the hope that next time their bills/ loans will also be waived off. But who will pay for those bills/Loans. The money  is going to come from the taxpayers pockets and the money that could have been used to build the roads and other infrastructure has not (indirectly) gone into the pockets of the defaulters who otherwise are criminals (if one doesn't pay bills/loan, they can be challenged in courts and can be punished - thus tag: criminals)

The decision to announce free internet or Rs 500 coupons on pongal etc are nothing more than open bribes. And if that has to be done, better fund it from their party fund. Why are these parties spending the taxpayers' hard earned money for their individual interests. This money was paid as tax so that govt can develop infrastructure, and provide job opportunities to them and their children, and not to use it to gain political power for handful of people. 

Why there is no check on such things which is not only effecting the common man, but also the economy as a whole. Why the common man is made to feel cheated and made to feel helpless when the govt is expected to be "by the people, of the people, for the people." Its time (though unlikely) that we the voters understand this political games and cast our votes to someone who will make our present and our future a better place to live.

* Source:

**Disclaimer: The content writer is neither a resident of the state under consideration and neither a supporter nor a critic of any political party. These views are purely based upon the topic under consideration i.e. freebies to voters

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Odd-even gone, city doesn't know why air not clear yet (TOI)

New Delhi:
Is There A Need For Change In Approach? Experts Debate
If these (steps) didn't reduce pollution, what would, asked an exasperated Supreme Court on May 1, a day after the odd-even scheme ended with no apparent fall in air pollution.
The judges listed a series of measures that have been taken over the years apart from the two-phase odd-even. These steps include a ban on registration of diesel vehicles over 2000cc, an environment compensation charge on trucks plying through the city and a CNG requirement for public transport vehicles and taxis.

Supreme Court of India has taken initiative to try and control the rising level of pollution in Delhi. But, from the news article published in "Times of India" it seems that the h'ble judges of supreme court are either too dumb or don't have sufficient advice available to understand the impact of the proposed solutions.

Coming to the main topic (NEWS Headlines: Odd-even gone, city doesn't know why air not clear yet) we need to ask ourselves that are these measures really good enough to curb the pollution level? Not being an expert but from the point of view of a layman, let’s try to understand a few things:

Odd-Even schemeThe traffic density in Delhi and nearby areas has increased manifold s in recent years. But traffic in Delhi still contributes 10-15% of pollution in Delhi (1). Considering the odd even scheme as implemented in first 2 phases; the pollution level can be dropped by about 50% in ideal case since half the vehicles will only be there on the roads. Now add the exceptions. Two wheelers are exempted which individually cause lower pollution than cars but due to their huge numbers they contribute almost as much of the pollution as cars do. So, half the amount of reduced pollution level can be added back (Thus only 25% reduction ideally) Now we can add the pollution due to exemption to VVIPs, ladies, commercial vehicles etc and the effective reduction in vehicular pollution is only 10-15%. Now the vehicles contribute about 15% to total pollution; means that only about 2% of total pollution is controlled ideally (10-15% reduction of 15% of total pollution caused due to vehicles) Of course these are not exact numbers but it gives a picture about why pollution level has not decreased even after odd-even scheme.

The second step taken by h’ble Supreme Court was to ban the registration of diesel vehicles above 2000cc. Even though the move is appreciated, the question is what will be its impact on air pollution. These cars include a number of luxury cars like AUDI, BMW, Mercedes etc. and few vehicles more commonly used for commercial purpose like Bolero. As per information available (unconfirmed), there are more than 85 Lakh vehicles registered in Delhi as on  31-03-2015 (2); and also that the sale of these vehicles contribute a very low amount to total vehicles sale in Delhi. For example, Maruti Swift alone had an average sales figure of more than 15000 units per month in 2015-16, which is even higher than total vehicular sales affected by this decision to ban some vehicles registration. So, why ban only a few selected vehicles. Secondly the vehicles can be registered by the affluent class in other states and can be used in Delhi as only registration is banned not the sales or their use (as of date). So, why are we crying that pollution level has not come down when we have targeted only the minor contributor to the pollution?

An environment compensation charge on trucks plying through the city: Seriously? Do we really expect it to have any considerable effect on the pollution level? We are not banning them but only taking extra charges to allow them to pollute the air. These vehicles are mostly used for commercial purposes and barring a few, most others will simply pass on these additional charges to the end-users/ consumers who will bear the heat of these charges. How do we actually expect it to have any visible effect on air pollution?

Residents of Delhi may still remember the days when most vehicles used to run on diesel and petrol and no CNG. The pollution level on roads especially was so high that it had become dangerous to venture out on the roads and inhale the polluted air. Then came a decision to convert all the buses/taxis etc to CNG. And the result was a much cleaner Delhi. That kind of change is what is required now. A change in technology, a step forward to move to a better technology is what is required to move ahead. These minor steps taken as an initiative are appreciated but are not going to have any major impact on pollution level in the long run. And it needs a commitment from the citizens of Delhi and those from nearby areas to make the change effective.

(1) The first major study was carried out in 2008 by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) with the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI). It identified road dust as the biggest contributor (52.5%) to particulate matter in Delhi’s air, followed by industries (22.1%). The study attributed only 6.6% of particulate emissions to vehicles. For NOx, the study found industries contributed 79% and vehicles 18%; vehicles were the main source for CO and hydrocarbons: 59% and 50% respectively - See more at:
(2) The Delhi Statistical Handbook 2014-15, a report by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Delhi Government, reveals there are 88.27 lakh registered vehicles in Delhi as on 31 March 2015. Four-wheelers that include cars, jeeps and taxis constitute 32.51% of the total vehicles registered with the Transport Department of Delhi.
Interestingly, two-wheelers far outnumber four-wheelers, making up around 64% (nearly double the number of four-wheelers) of the vehicles plying on Delhi roads.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Indian Bullet Train: Is it good for the Indian government to really invest in the bullet trains? Is India really ready for it?

Yes - it's a difficult question but I lean towards a Yes.

I feel the Indian Government needs to focus on building new cities. It needs move more Tier-2 (Classified as Y) cities to Tier-1 (X) classification by investing and allocating adequate resources in them. The migration towards urban societies should not be just limited to Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata (& the other Tier-1/Classified as 'X' Cities). We need to start thinking more about organic growth rather than quick economic growth.
But, these developments do not have to work in sequence. The basics should run parallel with developments like the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor. This rail corridor is one of the busiest routes in the country and has the potential to connect the capital in addition to Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC).
As the project takes shape and the smaller cities develop between Mumbai and Ahmadabad, the migration of people towards urban environments would be distributed (hopefully, reducing the impact on already over-burdened Mumbai)
The proposed train route is through the densest cities/towns in Maharashtra and Gujarat. This will also ease the burden on the current railways. Obtaining tickets on the exisiting Shatabdi (and other trains) for frequent business travelers is often difficult in terms of seat availability. The Shinkansen-styled line would improve this situation.
As per estimates, the number of passengers using the train line is predicted to be around 200,000/day by 2050. Roughly a ten fold increase from the 2020 estimate.
This is certainly a big step in Indian Infrastructure, and definitely a good one. There are several major hurdles to implement this project. Mumbai is extremely crowded/dense, building a high speed rail line in between the city will require large-scale restructuring and other city-design initiatives. However, if they are executed swiftly and efficiently, it will be a tremendous achievement in India's bright future.

For a moment just Imagine Delhi without Metro. Do you think that Delhi's even-odd formula to curb pollution  have worked despite Metro? In fact, if there was no Delhi Metro, govt would have banned all private vehicles. We might have been asked to use cycle instead of cars or even bikes.
Though at beginning this wan't an easy ride for govt to bring subway system of west into "poor India". In 1995 then PM PVN Rao and Delhi CM ML Khurana conceived the Idea of Rapid Rail system in Delhi.  Many people then questioned govt motive and priorities. They accused govt of ignoring poor masses and working for elites. This is why project was in cold basket until PM Atal Bihari Vajpeyee decided to run it in 1998. E. Sreedharan (Metro Man)  was given responsibility.
Again many protested, questioned and raised doubt against this project. Here I've found one such "The Hindu" article (Delhi Metro: Gliding over controversies)  questioning viability of "Tube System" in India:
1. How "poor India" will afford to finance "Subway System" of "rich west"?
2. Who will provide spare parts and Technologies?
3. Why should we focus on "Quality of Service"?
You know eventually Delhi Metro have answered all such Questions. Now a days we don't see such questions instead people are demanding more Metro Coaches and more no of Lines for city.
But think what if then PM ABV had not seen the future and kept it in cold. What if E. Sreedharan compromised on QoS? Fate of Delhi metro would have same as Kolkata Metro.
Currently we have Rapid Transit system in  other cities too like Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Lucknow and Jaipur (Sorry, If I missed any.). In fact every city with population of 2 million and more planning to have it's own metro service.

Here is some of the few details about project which can answer some doubts on Bullet Trains.
1. Who will fund this project?
Obviously GoI but Japan Has extended Loan of 1 lakh Crore to be paid at 0.1% Interest rate over the period of 50 years.  So on yearly basis govt have to pay 2000cr+ 2 crore as interest. Can we afford this amount? Yes, we can.
(Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train estimated project cost Rs 98,000 crore   | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis )
2. Who will provide technology and is India ready to handle High Speed trains?
Japanese govt will provide all technologies related to this project. it will be based on Shinkansen  which is known for it's reliability and safety. Project will take minimum 15 years.
On the issue of handling, remember we have reached to the mars, this should be a least technical concern.
3. Who will buy tickets?
We will. If price estimation is true then we have to pay only Rs. 2800 for one way trip from Ahmedabad to Mumbai. It's much cheaper than Flight service and slightly costlier than AC-II coaches. Also flights can only carry 100 people at one trip while Bullet trains in Japan carries 1500 people.
Remember a true leader is who Learn from PastWork for Present and Think about future.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What Movies teach .... (2 States)

An interesting conversation copied from internet about subject topic:
If there was one thing that 2 States did, it was this:
I was getting off at the airport at Pune into a cab. The cab driver seemed the jovial kind. Wasn't local to Pune, and pretty young. This is what ensued between us.
Cab Driver : Aap kahan se aa rahe ho? (Where are you coming from?)
Me : Ahmedabad
Cabbie : Ahmedabad mein kya kar rahe ho? (What are you doing in Ahmedabad?)
Me : Padh raha hoon (I am studying)
Cabbie : Kahan padh rahe ho? (Where are you studying?)
Me : IIM Ahmedabad
Cabbie : Woh kya hai? Accha college hai kya? (What is it? Is it a good college?)
I was stumped here. Nobody ever went "IIM Ahmedabad kya hai" on me, I didn't know how to explain it. Evidently, the marketing for IIM Ahmedabad is not done very widely outside the "target segment".
I wasn't concentrating too much till here, but now I really had to tell him where I was studying.
Me: Aap ko woh college maalum hai Ahmedabad mein jismein laal rang ki building hai? (Do you know that college with the red bricks?)
Cabbie : Nahi toh (No)
Me : Umm. (brainwave!) Aapne woh movie dekha hai "2 States" karke jo 4-5 mahine pehle nikla tha, usmein jo college hai (Have you seen that movie 2 States that released 4-5 months ago? The college in that)
Cabbie : Arre waah aap wahan padhte ho! (Wow, you study there?)
Now I was feeling triumphant and pretty pumped, because now he finally knows how awesome my institute is!
Me : Haan! (Yes!)
Cabbie : Kya baat hai! Wahan aap log pure time ladkiyon ke saath time spend karte ho aur koi rokta bhi nahi, hai na? (Wow, amazing! You spend all your time with girls there and nobody stops you, right?)
Me : (This is what a bubble bursting feels like. Insert speechless bubble)
Thanks to 2 States, IIM A is now popularized as the college where you can have unrestrained love making. But as they say, no publicity is bad publicity.

Monday, January 11, 2016

इंसानियत में बस्ता हूँ ...

मैं इंसानियत में बस्ता हूँ .....
लोग मुझे मज़हबों में ढूँढते हैं !!!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

शिकायतें दूर हो जाएँ अगर ...

ज़िंदगी की आधी शिकायतें तो ऐसे ही दूर हो जाएँ...
अगर लोग एक दूसरे के बारे में बोलने की जगह,
एक दूसरे से बोलने लग जाएँ !!!

Friday, January 8, 2016

टूटे हुए सपनों ने मार दिया...

टूटे हुए सपनों और छूटे हुए अपनों ने मार दिया...
वरना खुशी खुद हमसे मुस्कुराना सीखने आया करती थी !!!

Monday, January 4, 2016

छोटी सी लिस्ट है...

छोटी सी लिस्ट है मेरी ख्वाहिशों की
पहले भी तुम और आखरी भी तुम

Sell me this pen/pencil...

We often comes up with such question during the interview which we can't understand how to answer. "SELL ME THIS PEN/PENCIL" is one such question that might have been faced by a lot of fresher candidates for marketing job interviews especially.

Below is one reply copied from the internet of course:

CEO: Do me a favor, sell me this pen. (reaches across to hand me the pen)

Me: (I slowly roll the pen between my index and thumb fingers.) When was the last time you used a pen?

CEO: This morning.

Me: Do you remember what kind of pen that was?

CEO: No.

Me: Do you remember why you were using it to write?

CEO: Yes. Signing a few new customer contracts.

Me: Well I’d say that’s the best use for a pen (we have a subtle laugh).

Wouldn’t you say signing those new customer contracts is an important event for the business? (nods head) Then shouldn’t it be treated like one. What I mean by that is, here you are signing new customer contracts, an important and memorable event. All while using a very unmemorable pen.

We grew up, our entire lives, using cheap BIC pens because they get the job done for grocery lists and directions. But we never gave it much thought to learn what’s best for more important events.

This is the pen for more important events. This is the tool you use to get deals done. Think of it as a symbol for taking your company to the next level. Because when you begin using the right tool, you are in a more productive state of mind, and you begin to sign more new customer contracts.

Actually. You know what? Just this week I shipped ten new boxes of these pens to Elon Musk’s office.

Unfortunately, this is my last pen today (reach across to hand pen back to CEO). So, I suggest you get this one. Try it out. If you’re not happy with it, I will personally come back next week to pick it up. And it won’t cost you a dime.
What do you say?

CEO: (picks jaw up off floor)  Yes.

The idea behind putting up only one reply is not to say that this is the perfect reply. The idea here is to make you understand that how to deal with such situations.

From above conversation, what we can understand on HOW to deal with situation is more important rather than looking to memorize this answer for our use.