Saturday, September 24, 2011

The government's definition of a below poverty line person shows the vision to eliminate poverty...

* On Tuesday, 21 Sept 2011, the Planning Commission told the Supreme Court  that anyone spending more than Rs 965 per month in urban India and Rs 781 in rural India will be deemed not to be poor.
** The government's definition of a below poverty line person - earning less than Rs 32 a day for someone living in an urban area (Refer news dated 21 Sept 2011 & follow ons). But those with such meagre earnings should not worry as several options are available to them. One such is the Parliament canteen where they can eat to their heart's content and still save money. Dal at the canteen costs Rs 2, roti and tea cost Rs 1 each, kheer Rs 7 and a plate of mutton biryani costs Rs 27. Perhaps the policy makers had based their data on the Parliament canteen rates while presenting an affidavit to the Supreme Court. Only problem is that the said canteen having meals (Thali) at Rs. 18 per diet is for members of parliament only.

So, what do we conclude:

Vision 2012: There will be no poor citizen in India by end of 2012...



Simple: Declare all people having income higher than One Rupee per day as "NOT POOR". Isn't it easy ;-)

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