Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Powerpoint Presentation for the Beginners (Chapter 2)

So, continuing from our last chapter, I will start with basic things needed to be kept in mind while preparing the presentation.
  1. Know your subject.
  2. Know your Audience.
  3. What to fill in the presentation.
  4. Time constraint
The above four are all co-related. Of course you will know the topic to be presented. But it needs to be co-related with other three. Once the topic is known, first thing is that how much time you have to present your topic. Is it a short 7-10 minutes of presentation, or is it a lengthy 30-45 Minutes of presentation. Accordingly the type & details of content has to be decided.

Then secondly, you shall keep your audience in mind. Is it the armature students of school / college. Or are they experts in the area of topic to be presented. Are the audience technical expert or belong to the management. Accordingly the content needs to be decided & language to be modified.

For example, my topic of presentation is Non-Conventional Fuel for automobiles. Now, when giving a presentation to the students, you need to keep it general like: "Meaning, Benefits, Limitations, basic process involved in manufacturing etc." There is not much need to get in deep technical aspect like fuel properties, its availability worldwide and cost economics, detailed process involved and alternate processes etc. These topics can be touched in brief but no need for details in short presentations to the students. For technical experts as audience however, these might be necessary in details in case you are kind of promoting this or advocating this product in front of experts for their approval. Similarly for managerial people like those from marketing, finance & from top management, they might be more interested in knowing the commercial viability and financial returns for the company rather than technical details. Only technical they are interested in is basic process involved, how to install that process machinery & its economics. So, the expectations of your audience needs to be understood and shall be met to make your presentation more effective.

I'll be continuing this chapter next time, but for now what we have learned here is that to make the presentation effective, you need to know the constraints & the dimensions within which the presentation is to be made. Remember that presentation is to be presented not to be understood by you, but by the audience.

In case of any doubts you may leave your comments here... :-)

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