Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Powerpoint Presentation for the Beginners (Chapter 2 contd...)

So, continuing our last chapter (Ch-2), I will revise with basic things needed to be kept in mind while preparing the presentation.
  1. Know your subject.
  2. Know your Audience.
  3. What to fill in the presentation.
  4. Time constraint
We have taken the basic about time and audience last time. So, I'll continue with what to keep in mind while making a presentation. 

So, based on the time allotted, you need to select the amount of content to be filled. Collect the relevant data & information on the subject. go through the content collected and try to filter the relevant content based on your audience. Now, before going forward, it is advised to read the finalized draft two to three times and check the time being consumed for the same.  

Lets say that you are taking about 18 minutes while allotted time limit is about 15 minutes.  Remember that when you are giving the presentation in front of audience, you can not keep on speaking in monotonous tone like what you might have done during reading your draft. You may not remember each and every word and hence actual time for presentation will not be same as required to read your draft. But it does give you a rough idea for time required based on the content you have finalized in the draft.

In case time taken to read the draft varies too much than time allotted, you may need to add or delete some content to bring it close. This exercise may help to save time while preparing presentation and then later adding or deleting the slides & the content. 

Once the time has been estimated, you may now go for finalizing the draft in the sequential order as you will like to present in the slides. It will help you synchronize your speech with the slides to be presented. Now try to put headings to the various sections, the same headings can be used as slide title too. A well prepared draft is half work done as far as making the presentation is concerned.

So, that's all for today. Remember that after deciding the time, content and keeping in mind your audience, a well prepared draft helps to reduce your work load of preparing and remembering the presentation content.

In case of any doubts you may leave your comments here... :-)

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