Friday, October 21, 2011

Powerpoint Presentation for the Beginners (Chapter 3 contd...)

Last time in our chapter 3, we discussed how to start with making the slides, after preparing the draft. As already explained, almost every slide needs a TITLE & some CONTENT for the body part. The content can be text, picture, graph or some other form of audio - visual aid.
So, now that we have started making the presentation, we need to make sure of one thing: The order of slides need to match your speech. For instance in my presentation on alternate fuels, my slides are in the order as: Definition, why alternative fuels, available alternative fuels, benefits of each available option, their respective limitations, recommended alternative, conclusion. Now, If I'm going to start by introducing the topic and then I want to mention available alternative fuels first and then "why alternative fuels", then slides shall be in same order. Else, the slides will show something and you will end up speaking something else or the slides need to be shuffled again & again during the presentation which hinders the smooth flow & distracts the audience. So, it is not at all recommended.
In case you feel that there are various points to be discussed under a particular topic, but it makes the slide too congested if we fill in all the information in a single slide, you can break the slide in more than one. For example we need to explain the advantages of our product which has about 15 points to be discussed. You may either mention five - six important points on the slide & explain the rest of your own. Or you can put 5-6 points in each slide, then add another slide with same title and continue with rest of the points. The slides may be extended like this as required. Or the title can be broken into further sub-titles and mention points under them. Like advantages can be broken into subtitles as: technical advantage (in terms of reduction of cycle time, improved productivity etc.) and financial advantages (like higher margin, or making prices more competitive etc.). Remember that audience should not feel strained looking at the slides to note the points, and shall still be interested in listening to what you are explaining rather than concentrating on the slides only.
So, that's all for today. Remember that the slides being projected behind you are there to aid you to make your points clear. They shall be easy to be grabbed by the audience and shall make them feel like listening to what you have to say about that slide.
In case of any doubts you may leave your comments here... :-)

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